Long ago, in 2020, one of the workshops at TextileArtist.org‘s Stitch Club I missed was ran by Stewart Kelly, who tasked us to use kantha stitching to make a small work based on a still life we designed. I needed a low key, fairly simple project to test how the new boys would handle crafting, and this was perfect.

My still life comprised of a notebook, a gift box, a ceramic bowl, and a small plant pot.

Thankfully, the kittens didn’t cause too much trouble. I know it’ll be a long, long while yet before I can be as comfortable leaving things out and about like I did with the girls, but I’m so happy my first craft attempt with them around was a success! Now, little by little, I can move on to more interesting projects.
I love that you used a piece of fabric for the bowl ! And glad your new “roommates” were good . . . 🙂 See you over in SC !
(are they colour point Siamese ???)
Thanks, Els! I love seeing your work at SC, too:) The kits are a type of long hair Siamese, yes, and technically known here in the US as color point Balinese (Toby is a red point with “freckles” and Ollie is a cream point). They are the same type of cats as our previous girls, which are still around the blog here and there (though they’ve left this plane), just in a different color (the girls were blue lynx point and known as Javanese cats). I can’t wait to see how they color as they age.