Boy and I were able to visit Illinois State Beach for my birthday, and I found a small white stone broken in half. I immediately imagined using hot purple clay to put it back together. No idea why, but I picked up the stone to “some day” mess around with that idea. On our way home, we stopped by a book store, and I just happened to have found a kintsugi kit by Jack Richardson in the sale bin so I snatched it up. Serendipity indeed! To top that off, when we got home, I found a broken pebble in my driveway. Such kismet! Rather than waiting “some day”, I promptly set to work.

The packaging wasn’t clear that there was purple mica included, so it felt like fate was on my team when I opened the box. On the flip side, the epoxy did dry much too fast to even consider making these perfect. It bummed me out a bit, but hey, it was in a sale bin after all – and kintsugi is more about wabi-sabi than perfection!