[I am following Anne Brooke‘s 2021 #52tagshannemade slow stitch challenge to make a little tag every week of the year – see them all here!] When Anne released this week’s theme of tassel fringe, I knew immediately what I would do. I’d go a little off script and make a single tassel, because I also had just come across a type I wanted to try (that website isn’t in English, fyi).

I made some slow stitch layers first, using some colors I like with a scrap of lace and simple connected fly stitches. I used some twine for the tassel itself, two wooden beads, and a ceramic cube bead to top it off.

Several people asked me this week how my job was going, and my commute, of course, came up every time. But truthfully, I like that it forces me to carve some hours out of my day to listen to audiobooks. I discovered long ago that I do not like fiction audio books, but I’ve found that I do enjoy non-fiction ones. (And I’ve finally updated my Books page.)

I got tragically behind stitching these last few weeks, but I was able to spend some time catching up the moment my semester ended. You’ll see them each posted, day by day!