SMS Giveaway Day!

Monday, May 23, 2011

************Comments are now closed!!************

I will tally it up and then post the winners soon! 😀

Thank you guys so much for your interest 😀


This week begins Sew Mama Sew’s May Giveaway Day, and I am happy to once again participate!

This round, I am giving away 4 book covers which fit the standard Mass Market size paperbacks. You know, the short fat ones that are about 4.25 x 6.75 inches.

Cute & Colorful

fabric book cover giveaway


fabric book cover giveaway
fabric book cover giveaway

Clean & Preppy

fabric book cover giveaway

Embroidery Experiment

fabric book cover giveaway
fabric book cover giveaway

The first (and thus far only other) time I participated, I had asked for everyone’s favorite author or book. The literary winner was Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice for those interested.

I had also asked the winners last time to give me their thoughts on the product since I was still working out the pattern. Since then, I have worked it out and am now at the stage of experimenting with the embellishments. If only there were more weekends in the week, eh?

This round all I ask from you is to be kind and only leave one comment. Please include:

  • What character would you love to meet in real life and why?
    (Name the book and author of course;)
  • Which cover would you prefer?
    (Although in the case of ties, I will choose randomly.)
  • Your email address
    (It is ok to disguise it such as:  calynn ((at)) thecrafties ((dot)) com)

Side note: If you are having trouble finding the Comments link (look up top, under the date), then click on the title and scroll to the bottom. (This theme still has a few quirks, and for that I apologize.) Comments are moderated so it may take a while for yours to appear, what with work and a NYC trip and all, but they will be tallied in order, this I promise you:)

Comments will be closed around midnight Eastern time on Wednesday, May 25th. The four international winners will be chosen at random and I will ship the covers out by the end of the month. I will email each at the close of the giveaway for the mailing information but if I do not hear from them by Saturday, May 28th, I will select another random winner instead.

Also, check back soon after the winners have been announced for the tutorial! Yes, finally! 😀

Good luck and huzzah!


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  1. Angela

    I’d love to meet any of the characters from the Lord of the Rings, but especially Gandalf. I really like the embroidery book cover. My email is angela(dot)solomons(at)yahoo(dot)com

  2. Mruna

    I think I would love to meet several characters from several books but I really can’t decide who best so I’ll have to say either Artemis Fowl from the Artemis Fowl series or Hercule Poirot from Agatha Christie’s detective novels.
    Why? Well I’m very curious to know how their minds work!

    LOve Old Timey!


  3. karen

    I would have loved to meet Cyrano De Bergerac, I’m a little bit french, and fell in love with him as teenager. I do married a guy with the big nose, but no writing love letters talent, so he would be the one. I wouldn’t swap men, but just for a while it would be fun…
    I would choose the first cover,my DD loves reading too, and I know she would love that one. She is 14 and is madly in love with Darcy, who figures.
    Have fun and thank you for this give away.

  4. Sarah W

    Hi! I would love to meet Hamlet – did he really go crazy? Anyways, the book covers are very cute and I would like the Embroidery Experiment if my comment is chosen. Thanks! paisleyandplum (at) gmail (dot) com

  5. Clare

    Oh my – what lovely book covers, I haven’t seen anything like it before! My fav has to be Clean & Preppy with Cute & Colourful coming a VERY close second.
    Hmm character I would most like to meet? I am going to go against the grain here and NOT choose a classic like I probably should and go with Edward from the Twilight Saga – so cheesy I know but wouldn’t it be fun just once??
    I am participating in the giveaway too!
    clarem999 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  6. betty

    I would like to meet Dakota from The Friday Night Knitting Club series of books. She overcame adversity and started her own business! I like all of the book covers but Old Timey caught me eye! Thanks.

  7. Stefanie Navarro

    What character would you love to meet in real life and why?
    SOOO cheesy but I would want to meet Jamie Sullivan in Nicholas Sparks a walk to remember. She really just loved without any expectations and lived everyday by her beliefs and faith.
    Which cover would you prefer
    I love all of them!
    Your email address
    stefanie_sullivan (at) yahoo (Dot) com

  8. Tara

    I have always wanted to meet Anne Frank (The Diary of Anne Frank). I would love to just spend time with her and see the world through her eyes for an afternoon. I’d love to have your Cute and Colorful cover, but they are all adorable! Thanks for this offer! ~Tara, taraefsmith@gmaildotcom

  9. Janine

    I love fabric bookcovers and used mine so much it is in tatters. I’ve been meaning to make myself a new one, but if I could win Old-Timey, I would be in heaven.
    The character I would most like to meet is Claire Fraser from Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander series. Thanks for your generosity and please feel free to drop by and enter my giveaway too!

  10. angelina

    hello! i like the last cover, i would like to meet ernest hemmingway, i think, and chat poetry. or perhaps virginia woolf, and hold her hand. x

  11. birrrd

    Well, it might not seem very creative, but my favourite meet would be Harry Potter. Why? Because that would mean that all the magic world was real! And I love the magic world. (That one from HP, not all magic worlds.)

    I favourite the last cover and your tree/flower-design. It’s like in a dream.
    the mail-adress denkzwitscher (at) yahoo (.de)

    best wishes 🙂

  12. Sonja

    I would love to meet Gilbert Winslow of the House of Winslow series written by Gilbert Winslow. The embroidered cover is too beautiful for words.
    sonja greene (at) very verdant (dot) com
    Sorry the books are written by Gilbert Morris. Not Winslow! *Blushing*

  13. Kat

    Lovely book covers! It’s hard to choose a favourite, but the Embroidery Experiment one is especially cute. 🙂

    I always wanted to meet Aragon (from Lord of the Rings) in person – he just sounds like a very interesting guy (and rather attractive too, which is always a bonus!).

  14. Stephanie

    Right now I would like to meet Lisbeth Salander from the The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo series. She is a strong independent female despite all the hard things she has been through.
    I like the clean and preppy book cover!

  15. Ladybug

    I would love to meet Rhett Butler. I like the clean and preppy version best but fun and colorful is great too.

  16. Beth

    Oh – I would like to meet Sherlock Holmes, because he is so brilliant. I like the last cover thes best! yobethie (at) hotmail (dot) com

  17. Valerie Boudier

    I’d like to meet Firesong from the Valdemar series by Mercedes Lackey to see his incredible clothes. I’d like the first cover, please

  18. A Joyful Chaos

    I would like to meet Marty Davis from the Love Comes Softly series by Janette Oke.

    I love the last cover but would be happy with any of them.

    ajoyfulnoise (at) live (dot) com

  19. Meagan S.

    I love the “Clean and Preppy” cover! 🙂 Super cute!
    I would have to say Anne Shirley from “Anne of Green Gables” my all time favorite book!!

  20. Becky

    These are really cute! I like them all except the one with the flower but not because it doesn’t look good, only because I’m not a fan of bulky and that would make me frustrated sliding it in and out of a bag.

    So, which character? Hmm, Genevive Volaire out of the Retriever series by Laura Anne Gilman. I would like to smack her and tell her to grow up. She’s endearing and has hope and keeps me coming back but man, she also annoys me. lol

  21. Kayla

    I would love to meet Mr. Darcy…he is just the ideal guy:) I would love to have the clean and preppy.


  22. Michelle

    ooh! i’d love to win the embroidered or the clean and preppy ones… they are so cute!

    my favourite book is The Colour Purple by Alice Walker. i’d love to meet just about any of the main characters. there’s just so much we could talk about 🙂

  23. Amanda

    I love the clean & preppy with the flower, closely followed by the cute & colorful. But they are all awesome! Great job.
    It’s a tough decision to think of who I would want to meet in real life. I think I would want to meet Aunt Vespasia from the Charlotte and Thomas Pitt series by Anne Perry. She sounds like she would be a blast to sit around chatting with.

  24. Madison

    So sweet.

    I would love to meet Mr. Darcy (Jane Austen “Pride and Prejudice”). Is there any lady who can really honestly say they wouldn’t want him sweeping her off her feet?

    I would love the embroidered one. It’s so delicate and sweet.

  25. Jordan

    I’d like to meet Grace from the Monkeewrench series by P.J. Tracy because she is so mysterious. I love the clean and preppy book cover.

  26. Joanna

    Wow, those are really cute! Since Pride and Prejudice is my favorite book, I would like to meet Elizabeth Bennet in real life. I would love to go on a long walk together, and she and I would get on famously on our rambles on the grounds of Pemberly.

    I love the Old Timey one best, of course.

  27. Bailey

    I like the cute and colorful. I would love to meet Anne of Green Gables!

  28. Melissa

    These book covers are super cute! I am in the middle of my first novel, so this is right up my alley. I’m hoping to put my own book in a book cover some day. 🙂 My favorite is Cute and Colorful, but I also love Clean and Preppy.

    I’d love to meet Nancy Drew. I’d pick her brain about solving mysteries and ask her which mystery was her favorite that she solved.

    Thanks for the fun giveaway!

  29. Corey Rachael

    I am currently reading “City of Ember” by Jeanne DuPrau – and I think I’d love to meet everyone featured in the book. Imagine living in an underground city all fueled by electricity. They never knew about candles and such. It’s a fascinating read.
    I love the embroidery cover. It’s really cute!

    rachaelroyce [at] gmail [dot] com 🙂

  30. KatieQ

    Thank you for making this lovely giveaway possible. I like the Embroidery Experiment best because I love embroidery. When I was a freshman in high school (over (47 years ago), I hated reading “A Tale of Two Cities.” Slogging through Dickens was torture for me, but I was fascinated by the character of Madame DeFarge. Now that I am trying to learn to knit, the idea of her stitching names into her knitting still captivates me. Of course, I wouldn’t slam the door in Mr. Darcy’ face if he should choose to drop by.

  31. Deserae Fiedler

    I love the cute and colorful cover! I would love to meet Kay Scarpetta from Patricia Cornwell’s medical examiner series. She is such a smart lady! 🙂 deserae (at) gmail (dot) com

  32. Mary

    I’d like to meet Anne of Green Gables by Lucy Maud Montgomery. I loved reading those books as a kid! I like the Old Timey design best, but all are cute!

  33. Deborah

    I’d like to meet Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot. I’d share a cuppa tea with both as they tell me of the mysteries they’ve solved.

    Also, I like the embroidered cover, please.

    G’Day! I’m here for the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day! Please visit me, too:

    Homemaker Honey
    homemakerhoney @gmail .com

  34. Jessie Hansen

    I would like to meet Stephan King’s Roland, or any and all of his characters from the Dark Tower series, really. In those 7 books I got to know them so well. I think I cried when ____ died! If you know who I mean then you understand. If you don’t then you should go read them.

    I would like the the 2nd or 4th book covers. They suit me best I think.

  35. Greta

    If I could meet a character it would be Mol Flanders. From the book not the movie. The book is way better. I don’t know I’ve always been intrigued by this character because she was in fact a bit shady in my opinion but none the less I’ve always been a fan. I like the first book cover the best. Thanks for the chance to win 🙂

  36. Leah

    I’d love to meet Atticus Finch from Harper Lee’s “To Kill a Mockingbird.” I love the way he stands up for what is right and what a good father he is. I think my favorite book cover pattern is Old Timey. Thanks for the giveaway! leahclaireh(at)gmail(dot)com

  37. Erin

    I’d love to meet Laura Ingalls. I like all of the covers but would love to have clean & preppy.

  38. bethany

    I would love to meet Katherine from the book atonement child by Francine rivers….It was an awesome book and she has an awesome testimony! I like the embroidery experiment…really cute!

  39. Maya

    I would like to meet Aslan from the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis. I think having a conversation with Aslan face to face would be really interesting. He is a wise lion.

    I really like the Embroidery Experiment cover. I also really like the Cute & Colorful cover.

    redzshadow at gmail dot com

  40. Florentina

    I would love to meet Pietro Crispi from One Hundred Years of Solitude. Such a romantic, involved lover, who killed himself for his love. The cover I like is the cute & colorful one. My email is

  41. Sunni @ Love Affair with my Brother

    I would want to meet Dinah from “The Red Tent” by Anita Diamant. That is my favorite book on the shelf. I love the struggle, the triumph, the story of her life. Maybe I will go refresh myself on it!!
    I love the Embroidery experiment. As soon as I saw it, I wanted it!!

  42. Lauri Rymarczyk

    I would love to meet Miss Marple she is one tuff cookie. Love all of your book covers but the one that appeals to me the most is the Embroidery Experiment. Thanks so much. L

  43. Kat

    I would love to meet any one from the discworld novel. They are just funny books. If I am lucky to win any cover would be appreciated they are all beautiful

  44. Limor

    I’d love to meet Cal from East of Eden. I love that book. My favorite cover is the embroidery experiment.
    I forgot my e-mail sorry 🙁

    limor477 at aol dot com

  45. Stephanie

    I think I’d have to say I’d like to meet Jeeves from P.G. Wodehouse’s Jeeves and Wooster stories. He is just so clever and always has a plan, wouldn’t mind having him around to help me out!

    LOVE the Clean and Preppy cover, though the Embroider Experiment is a close second, adorable!


  46. reeve

    #1 – I would like to meet Daniel Cambridge from The Pleasure of My Company by Steve Martin.

    #2 – my fav is Embroidery Experiment

    #3 – my email is reeve at

  47. Jill

    #1 – I’m a sucker for romance novels – so probably one of the Mallory boys from a Johanna Lindsey book. lol

    #2 – I love the clean & pretty followed closely by the embroidery experiment

    envirocraftiness (at) gmail (dot) com

  48. sharmie

    •What character would you love to meet in real life and why?
    oh this one is really hard! i think i’d decide on chrestomanci from the series by diana wynne jones. i’d prefer the chant chrestomanci, too.

    •Which cover would you prefer?
    i’d love the old timey! soooo cute 🙂

    •supersharmie at gmail dot com

  49. Liz

    I’d like to meet Verity from To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis. She’s just so cool and calm.

    I love the embroidery experiment. Browns and pinks together are my favorite!

    lizchan @ gmail dot com

  50. Rachel M

    I’d love to meet Samwise Gamgee from Lord of the Rings (Tolkien). It would be fascinating to hear the stories straight from his mouth!

    As to which cover I would prefer? I can’t choose! I like them all equally!

    ravensrascals at gmail dot com

  51. Debra Hawkins

    What character would you love to meet in real life and why?
    Atticus Finch from To Killing a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.
    Which cover would you prefer?
    I LOVE the colorful one!
    Your email address

  52. sangeetha

    I would like to meet Alex Cross from James Patterson – seems like a very smart guy!

    and I like the embroidery experiment

    sangee1234 at gmail dot com

  53. Alissa

    I want to meet yossarian from Catch-22. I love the embroidered cover.

    alissa dot ridenour at

  54. Georgie

    Love your book covers, especially the old-timey one, as I am a bit old-timey myself! If I could meet any beloved book character, I think I’d like to have a chat with the grown-up Harriet the Spy. I wanted to be Harriet when I was growing up — I think we could be good friends now that we’d both be in our 50’s! (And greetings from the south of the Hoosier State!)

  55. Kacey

    Anne–of Green Gables fame.
    Cute & Colorful.
    kaceykendrickwagner (at)

  56. lindsay

    I would love to meet Aslan from the Narnia books. He’s so wise!
    i love your Clean & Preppy book cover. it’s beautiful and simple. 🙂
    muwwae (at) gmail (dot) com

  57. Karen Jo Moseley

    I would want to meet “Scout” from “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee! I always wanted to have a daughter named Scout! I really like ALL of the book covers, but I prefer the Cute & Colorful!


  58. Abby

    These are beautiful and adorable! Completely awesome.

    I would love to meet Holden Caulfield from Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. Probably because it’s my alltime favorite book and my alltime favorite character and he’s just the sort of character I’m dying to give a great big hug.

    I would love the Embroidery Experiment, it’s beautiful.

    My email is

  59. Mirva

    Agh the difficulty of choosing! Would probably have to be a character from a Terry Pratchett book. I have a crush on Sam Vimes so maybe him 🙂

    Old timey looks like my kind of cover.

  60. karoliina

    I would like to meet the Boy from “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy – I would like to see, what kind of a person he grew up to be and also because that would mean he’s in our world and that he’s ok.
    And I love the old-timey book cover most.

  61. Leanne

    Thank you for such a generous giveaway!! I ♥ the cute and colourful book cover and if I could meet any character in real life I would want to meet Amalita from “The Book of Negroes”

  62. kathyh

    I was thinking the author of The House that Mouse Built – Maggie Rudy but then rethought that. I am incredibly selfish about my book reading. I don’t want to do a book discussion nor do i want someone to change what I thought about the book. Somewhat like going to the movie version and being horribly disappointed in the big screen version of a book I very much enjoyed.
    But I do love your covers. The one with the little flower embroidery caught my eye.
    Please visit my giveaway:


  63. Shelley C

    I love your embroidery experiment bookcover!

    I’d like to meet Marilda from Anne of Green Gables. So no nonsense yet with much wisdom. I’d love to stay with her for two months to enjoy the laid back serenity of Green Gables. I need a break!

    freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net

  64. Alyssa

    Hmm…I think I would LOVE to meet Rhett Butler (Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the wind). He just seems like one of those guys that would keep you on your toes. Or lead you off on some adventure 🙂

    I love the clean and pretty cover!

    my email – alyssamoser at gmail dot com!

  65. Hayley

    My favorite book is A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. I would love to be Sydney Carton because he became the person he needed to become when the time was right, saving the life of someone many people loved. My favorite book cover is the Clean & Preppy. It is totally my style!


  66. Jenny

    I would like to meet Robin Hood 🙂 I prefer the Cute and Colorful, though I also really like Old Timey.

  67. Sasa

    I’d love to meet Tiffany Weh from the discworld (T. Pratchett). She is a young witch and has got tiny men who are looking about her. dietimi((at)) gmx ((dot)) de

  68. Alexandra

    I would love to meet Ponder Stibbons from the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett. He designed Hex, a computer with ants and I would love to ask him about it!

    Embroidery Experiment is beautiful!

  69. Sarah

    I would love to meet Hadassah from Voice in The Wind by Francine Rivers.

    I would love the embroidery experiment cover.
    sarah ((at)) ketchem ((dot)) net)

  70. Phoenix Peacock

    I’m one of those Pride and Prejudice fans that would just adore meeting Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth.
    I’d also really like to meet Jo from Little Women. or Fancy Nancy from the children’s books. She is pretty rad too 🙂

    I love love love the embroidery experiment! But they are all so fabulous and cute.
    Great giveaway! I’d be delighted to win!


  71. Terri

    1. I would love to meet Hawkeye from the Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper. Why? It would fascinating just to talk to him. The fact that he moved better through the forest than in civilization is pretty interesting.
    2. I love the old-timey one
    3. espmax(at)gmail(dot)com

  72. razberiswrl

    I think the character I’d most like to meet would be Miss Havisham (Great Expectations, Dickens), if nothing else, to hook her up with a counselor! LOL! Another one I thought of immediately is Madame Defarge (Tale of Two Cities, Dickens … hmm, a pattern maybe? Dickens and vengeful women??).

    Thank you for the opportunity to win. I absolutely LOVE the last book cover with the embroidery. They are all lovely though.

  73. Liz

    Its really silly but I’d love to meet Eric from the Sookie Stackhouse books by Charlaine Harris because I just love his character in the books…so sexy. In real life though I’d be freakin’ terrified by any vampire (if they were real)…whether hot and sexy or not.
    I love all the book covers so if I win no worries about which one.

  74. Jaclyn

    Holy Crap! I hope I win! This is a good question…I’d like to meet Harry Potter (do I need to say authors name)??!!! I know that sounds silly, but he was quite a character.

    I’d like to win the embroidery book cover!

    Will I be disqualified if I leave out my email? LOL Wish me luck!!!

  75. Larissa

    I’d love to meet Josephine March! She was ahead of her time, my favorite when I was younger, and very much like me – “one of the guys,” as much as she was permitted in her day.

    I’d love the Clean & Preppy! (My 2nd choice is Embroidery Experiment).
    (Although in the case of ties, I will choose randomly.)

    larissaesq at gmail dot com

  76. pam

    I love them all, but really like the embroidery book cover.

    I think I would want to meet The Giver from The Giver by Lois Lowry. My daughter just finished that book for school and helping edit her paper, I started thinking about it in a new light, and had lots of questions.

  77. Theresa

    1. I would like to meet Viviane Joan “Vivi” Abbott Walker from Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood. Oh, what a day that would be! The stories she would tell, the warmth she would share, the laughs we would have…and the drinks!
    2. Old-Timey.

    Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway! Theresa

  78. Patty D

    Cute and colorful is my favorite but all are pretty. Elizabeth from Sara Donation series into the wilderness

  79. Autumn

    If I could meet a charater in a book it would probably be Anne Shirley from Anne of Green Gable by Lucy Maud Montgomery becaue I can really relate to her and some of the things that she says. I think that if we could meet that we would become good friends. I really like the cute and colorful book cover.

  80. Crystal

    How creative you are!! I like the clean and preppy or the colorful one!!

    Lets see a character I would like to meet….I am not sure, because I don’t know if I would like to be friends with many that I do read, but then again I really don’t think of meeting them or living in that time. Does that make sense? I just read it as another world and more or less and I become the main character. Does that make sense or am I just weird??

    Also my email is my blogger profile 😀

  81. Chantal

    I love love love the embroidery book cover!!

    I am going to throw out a YA book – Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

    I just want to shake her silly in the books when she can’t make up her mind over the two boys. It’s just so obvious to me 😛

    chantal (dot) marlinski (at) gmail (dot) com

  82. Cheryl P

    I think I woud like to meet Hercule Poirot. So smart and so funny!! My favorite book cover has to be the first one! Thanks for the chance to win!!

    cherylphillips AT comcast DOT net

  83. lesley

    i would love to meet wilbur from charlotte’s web. he seems like a very nice pig
    i LOVE cute and colorful!!
    phillandlesley @

  84. nicole w

    i’m not an avid reader – but i’d love to meet the pioneer woman, technically she’s a character in her own books right? i just love her writing and her ranch life!

    couldn’t decide, but the purple flower sealed it on clean and preppy!

    thanks for the sweet giveaway!
    email is in my profile or nicole AT markandnicole DOT com

  85. Jeanelle

    I would love to meet James Qwilleran from The Cat Who….series.
    I would love and cherish Old Timey.
    ejricca (AT) aol (DOT) com

  86. Charlene

    I would love to meet Jonas from the Giver… there I go giving away my love for young adult fiction.

    The Old Timey is super cute, but I really do like all of them.

    mrscharleybrown AT yahoo . com

  87. Holly Days

    I would love to meet Montag from Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. I never like picking which is my favorite cause I always go dealers choice cause I love to see what other artist can do so that’s my favorite.

  88. mhairi

    I would love to meet Elspeth from the Obernewtyn series (Isobelle Carmody)
    I love the preppy cover but would also love the embroidered, and colourful one and the old-time one too.

  89. Steph

    Who would I like to meet. I think I would like to Horton from Dr Suess’ collection LMAO… He is just so funny and says it how it is. My kids could meet him too of course.
    I like clean and preppy!!

    xo Steph

  90. Danielle

    I would like to meet Zane Cobriana from the Kiesha’ra series by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. My favorite book cover is the embroidery experiment. Thanks for the giveaway!
    dcdyess289 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  91. Addie

    I would like to meet Emma from Jane Austen’s book of the same title. The embroidery experiment is absolutely my favorite book cover.

  92. ning fathia

    Character I’d love to meet in real life : Alice from Lewis Caroll Alice in the Wonderland/ Through the looking glass. Because in this era, I imagine her to be a high on crack troubled teenager, to have imagine all the things written in the book. LOL.

    Cover Choice : The cute and the colorful!

  93. Irina

    Hello! I’d like to meet Gandalf! from The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien. I like all the covers, but my favourite is the embroidered one.Thanks for the chance!

  94. Deb (Two Cheeky Monkeys)

    I have to admit that I would like to meet either Atticus Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee or Edward Cullen from Twilight by Stephenie Meyer. LOL, now I am embarrassed for admitting that last one!

    debyeo at hotmail dot com

  95. hueisei

    I loves the book Twilight.. I would like to meet Edward Cullens 🙂
    I loves the cute and colorful one.. if I win it… ^^
    Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  96. Sydney

    My childhood favorites were the Little House on the Prairie books and Mandy by Julie Edwards. I’d love to meet Laura Ingalls (Wilder).

    Thanks for the chance to win! 316ramirez(at)gmail(dot)com

    I forgot to add I’d love to have the preppy one. They are all very pretty!

  97. Maria

    I would like to meet Alice from Alice in Wonderland to see the world again through children’s eyes.
    I really like the embroided cover!
    Thanks for the nice giveaway!

  98. Yana

    may be it’s stupid but I want to meet Liz Salander from The Girl with the Dragon tatoo/Steig Larsson. She is so unusual person!

    and I like cute&colorful book cover:)

    yana.malysheva7 at

  99. Jasmine1485

    I’d like to meet Anita Blake, I think she’d be intimidating but fascinating, wouldn’t she have some stories to tell! 🙂 I like the embroidered one the best

    kate1485 at

  100. Lara

    hmm… I think Edna Pontieller from Kate Chopin’s Awakening. I think maybe that tragic end could have been avoided if she knew how much better it was going to get for women in the not-very-distant future.
    Durrr. And I love both the embroidery experiment and the old-timey ones.

  101. Fran M

    My roommate and I would like to meet Captain Sam Vines from Guards! Guards! by Terry Pratchett. My favorite cover is the dots, followed by the embroidery experiment.

  102. Morgan

    Who would I like to meet…Nancy Drew! I still sneak in a book as a guilty pleasure now and then. 🙂

    I like clean & preppy, can’t resist the flower.

    yaramsowmya (at) hotmail (dot) com

  103. Wendy Hatton

    I’ve always loved Agatha Christie mysteries and would love to meet Miss Marple, elderly , unassuming knitter who is so wise.

  104. Bonnie

    clean and preppy would be the cover choice… I would have loved to meet Laura Ingalls or Helen Keller from their books, Bios are my favorites, but for fictional it would be the March girls from Little women or Rhett and Scarlett from Gone with the wind.

  105. Jingle

    I would love to meet Star in Waking up in the Land of Glitter by Kathy Murillo! I think we would be great friends! jinglesells at gmail dot com
    I forgot to tell you which cover I prefer, but the Clean and Preppy or that gorgeous embroidery experiment would be GREAT!

  106. Gill

    I love the first cover best!
    I’d love to meet the time traveller’s wife – What a great book!

  107. shann

    I like the book cover with the purple flower. I would like to meet Eleanor from Sense and sensibilities because i think i would like her.

  108. Iris Lise

    I would love to meet Ayla from Earth Children. Because she is a wonderfuly strong woman for her time, also I’d like to discuss the differences of our two times.

    Embroidered Experiment is super cute!

    irislise at hotmail dot com

  109. Candace Henderson

    sorry to say I don’t have an answer to your question… don’t have anyone I want to meet like that…. Thanks for a great giveaway… I love the embroidery one best but I would be happy to have any of them!

  110. Leanna

    How fun! Love the clean and preppy look! I’d love to meet Sookie Stackhouse…I think she’d have some great stories!

  111. djaj

    I’d love to meet Anne of Green Gables, just to know if I’m a kindred spirit or of the race that knows Joseph !
    I love your embroidery experiment, thanks for counting me in !

  112. Heather Jackson

    I’d love to meet Honey from The Little Lady’s Agency (Hester Browne), she’s just so clever!!

    I love the Embroidered cover, it’s so pretty.

    sabine4242 at gmail dot com

  113. Vicky

    Hi! I would want to meet Aslan from the Lion, Witch and a Wardrobe and ask him what its like to be a talking lion!! I love the cute option.

  114. Paula

    I would love to meet Inspector John Rebus, the main character in many of Ian Rankin’s books. I highly recommend this author, especially the Rebus series. Love your book covers and my favorite is the embroidered one, it’s beautiful!
    Thank you for the chance
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  115. lorraine

    i would like to meet heathcliff from wuthering heights..not sure why but i would..i love the Cute & Colorful adorable..thanks for the giveaway!!

  116. Martin Callan

    Thank you for the giveaway. mwcallan5 at gmail dot com

  117. Wendy

    Whenever I read a book, I always think that is the one person I would like to meet. 🙂 I think my all time would be Anne from Anne of Green Gables. Such a character.

    Your work is lovely! I especially like the preppy one or the embroidery. Beautiful!

    Thanks for the chance!

  118. Jessica

    Oh my! These book covers are so much fun! I really like the cute and colorful one. Such a fun idea!

  119. Rebecca

    I would most like to meet Mr. Darcy from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. I love all of the book covers but I really like the clean & preppy cover. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win this awesome giveaway. Rebecca (dot) M (dot) Hagan (at) gmail (dot) com

  120. Lauren

    I love the embroidered one! I would meet Mr. Darcy… just for a night…. Elisabeth would understand.

  121. Eileen

    I would love to meet August from “A Secret Life of Bees”! The book is so rich and delicious, I never wanted it to end! It’s my favorite! I love the Embroidery Experiment cover! It’s gorgeous!

  122. Marilyn

    Scarlett O’Hara just becuse…. I love the clean and preppy one best. But, really they are all very nice.

  123. Nahuatl Vargas

    I will love to be the main kid from The Benedictine Society, have you read it?
    I will love Embroidery Experiment.
    Thanks for the chance!

  124. Dawn

    I would love to meet Darrow from The Sword of Darrow by Alex and Hal Malchow. Darrow is a boy that over comes his deformities to achieve what others said he could not.
    dmcalgaro at yahoo dot com

  125. S

    Scout Finch from To Kill a Mockingbird is one of my faves. I love that embroidered one. I also have THE PERFECT PERSON in mind to give this too. 🙂

  126. Tina

    Character I would like to meet: The Count of Monte Cristo.
    I love the Vintage tote!

  127. radiya

    meet mr darcy for sure

    thanks for the giveaway


  128. peggy aplSEEDS

    What character would you love to meet in real life and why?- Jesus, from the bible

    Which cover would you prefer?- i love the embroidery cover! the embroidery goes so well with the linen

    Your email address – peggyapl ((at)) gmail ((dot)) com

    thanks for the chance to win!

  129. Jessica

    I’d love to meet Bridget Jones from Bridget Jones’ Diary. Is that weird?


  130. Manda

    I would like to meet Mr. Darcy. He intrigues me so…

    I love the first two covers 🙂


  131. Megan (Curious Panda)

    I would like to meet Sabina from The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera. She seems like such an interesting woman.

    I love the Cute and Colorful cover, and the Preppy one as well.

    megan at curiouspanda dot com

  132. elflyn

    I would love to meet Elizabeth Bennett, her wit is so wonderful!
    I love the embroidery cover or the cute and colourful.


  133. Kathy

    I would love to meet Salamanca Tree Hiddle from the book by Sharon Creech, WALK TWO MOONS. Great summer read for middle school. Clean and preppy would be my choice for a book cover.

  134. Theresa Nelson

    I know it’s pathetic, but I want to meet Edward and Bella from Twilight! Can’t help it, they hooked me in 🙂
    Love the embroidered cover, so pretty!

    Thanks for the chance at this.


  135. Patty

    these are so adorable,i would love to have one!

  136. Laila L S

    Lovely bookcovers! I would love to get any of them. I would like to meet Miss Marple or Hercule Poirot from Agatha Christie’s books.

  137. the sewing dork

    I would absolutely love to meet Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander character Jamie. I have sooooo much to talk to him about! That last beautifulcover with the pink trees is amazing. I would so love to win it!

  138. Stephanie Atchison

    Thank you for the great giveaway.
    atchisonsteph at gmail dot com
    I would like to see the characters from Callahan’s Crosstime Saloon in real life.

  139. susan brennand

    I would love to meet Melanie from Gone with the wind. I love your book covers and I think the embroidery experiement was a great sucess!

  140. Alli

    I’d like to meet Vlad Taltos from Steven Brust’s books. I really like his (Vlad’s) sense of humor in the books, but it’s kind of sarcastic and I wonder if I’d like him in person. :>

    I like the embroidery experiment and cute and colorful covers. Thanks for the giveaway!

  141. Lisa P

    The embroidery one looks lovely. I would love to live in the world of Alice in Wonderland and follow her on her adventures.

  142. brooke-marie

    I would love to meet Arturo Bandini (John Fante)…but I’d like to meet him back in time, in an old-timey world…

    And I would love to put the Cute and Colorful cover on any of my books!

    brookecannon (at) gmail (dot) com


  143. sukie

    Totally love the Embroidery Experiment one! And if I could meet any character out of a book. . . that would be hard. . I’d rather meet authors. lol

  144. Elimeenah

    That embroidered one is simply devine-that would be my choice hands down! As for who I’d like to meet, welll hmmm…that’s a toughie-but I supose Oscar Wilde would be my first pick! He’s brilliant-or ummmm, was brilliant?! Either way he’s one of my all time fave authors.


  145. Gail

    Love the book covers! I made one a while ago and it was way harder than I thought it would be! My favorite cover is the cute and colorful. If I could meet any book character in real life, I think it would be Maw from Little House on the Prairie. I loved those books as a kid; just reread as an adult and was in AWE of the way Maw rolled with the most insane punches in life. Thanks for the giveaway!

  146. Sandi Price

    I would love to meet any of the Baxter girls in Karen Kingsbury’s books. They all seem to face life with all its surprises – good and bad – with a real faith and a strength to be admired.
    I like all your covers, but I think the embroidery experiment is my favorite, followed closely by the Old-timey one.

  147. Anna

    Hi there! Your blog is lovely. I adore both clean and preppy and the embroidery experiment.

    As for a character from a book… hmm, that’s a tough one. I’m going to say Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  148. Jane T in NW Louisiana

    The book character I would love to meet is V. I. Warshawski. I think she is a great detective and is also funny. I would love to win the embroidered book cover. Thanks.

  149. April in Autumn

    I would like to meet Paige from Kelley Armstrong’s Women of the Otherworld series. She just seems like the kind of woman you can sit around and chat about magic with. 🙂

    I like your embroidered one the best.

  150. Cynthia

    I would love to meet Anna from “Mister God, This is Anna” by Fynn.

    I’d love the embroidery cover!


  151. Jenelle

    I would love to meet Jo from Little Women. I really like your embroidery “experiment”! Thanks for the chance to win!

  152. jo

    I love the embroidered cover.
    I would like to meet any of the men in Christine Feehan’s books they are to good to be true I guess maybe I have been married to long!

  153. Nan Marshall

    I would love to meet Master Harper Robinton from Anne McCaffrey’s dragon series. He’s so knowledgable and humorous and kind. I love your embroidery experiment. It’s daring and original.

  154. Leena

    I loved ‘ Embroidery Experiment’.In real life I would like to meet legolas, sift as wind 🙂


  155. Noreen

    I like Cute and Colorful. I think Sherlock Holmes would be fascinating to meet. busyness4(at)bellsouth(dot) net

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