A close to 2024

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Howdy folks! Year’s end is just ahead, and as usual I’ve updated my books page and the gallery (though the plug-in is broken so the links are askew; maybe I’ll fix that someday but for now I wait for an update from the developers). The gallery doesn’t show much this year, but one must remember that a large portion of my time was spent keeping track of wayward kittens and a (still-in-progress) major house renovation. I also began water coloring in a nature journal in August, thanks to a tip from a friend to check out John Muir Laws and kind. I do plan to show that here at some point; until then, you’ll just have to take my word that I have been flexing my art muscles all year long, regardless of how quiet the blog has been.

cat with nature journal

Edith Holden is a well-known nature journalist from times of yore, and Toby helped me read her work.

As for 2025, I have pie-in-the-sky plans pertaining to stitch, which entails what I’m calling a “Move It On Or Move It Out” (Mio/Mio) philosophy. I have many projects in progress – a veering from my past self who knowingly used the desire to start a new project as a reason to complete the (one and only) current project. I think I function best that way – similar to what science says about multi-tasking (it’s a myth!). So, in 2025, I want to either complete these projects or decide they aren’t interesting enough to persist, and get them off my mind as outstanding projects that I “should” get to some day. I suppose this means I will be working on the act of letting go?

cat with Hexie Dreams quilt

Ollie dreams on Hexie Dreams.

Whatever happens, the kits and I will be seeing you in the new year 😀


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  1. K

    Thanks for sharing the link to the nature journaling site. I’m going to share it with my 88 year old mother who has done something similar in the past and needs inspiration lately. Never too old to learn new art! I’m looking forward to reading your notes and seeing your 2025 projects! You inspire me to get back to work on mine.

    • thecrafties

      Ha, you’re welcome! I hope your mother takes to it again:)


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