A short summary of 2024 and a now said-out-loud goal for 2025.
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Hello 2023!
A quick note about some website updates.
2020 Site Redesign
I’ve redesigned my blog and finally brought it into the 21st century with responsive web design and other perks!
a decade of the Crafties
Ten years ago today, I pushed publish on this blog. You can see that first posting here. Of course, my site has undergone several visual changes, and I didn't really know the direction my crafts would take, but the main goal still satisfies: simply to record. Most...
Library Updates
Just a quick note about some changes I made in the Library. First, I added a gallery of my favorite projects as well as popular posts (now that I am beginning to understand how to read google analytics). I think it would be helpful for new visitors to see easily...
Site: photos corrected
Whew, it has been a long weekend, but I finally corrected all the old photos on this site! I was originally hosted them through me.com but then Apple changed it to iCloud and I was not interested in continuing my service there. I then began storing them through...
back in action!
Ok, ok, so this new site design wasn't ready by January. Who knew my new job as an adjunct would be so hectic? (Yeah, I've been teaching college.) Or Boy's company would sap all of his time and energy? (Who wants to do work at home?) I'm not upset about it. A lot of...
Working on it!
I have the new site fully designed and I created the CSS for it, with a pseudo run of HTML (basically, everything but the PHP that actually would make it work). Alas, that last bit does require the help of Boy if I want it done any time soon (can't really spend more...
the crafties has a new look!
Guys, I redesigned my whole site! If you are reading through an RSS feed, I implore you to pop over and tell me what you think. I may not love it 100% but I am 100% proud of it, and really, what's more important? I put this look together using GIMP. It is a free...
a new look
Im still working out some kinks because I cant leave well enough alone and i fuddle through php and html like a palsiated horse would, but overall is it SO MUCH BETTER. Im sure youll agree. 🙂
This is my very first blog post here at the Crafties, back when I was a much younger, much more beginner-y. Everyone starts somewhere! 😉