[I am following Anne Brooke‘s 2021 #52tagshannemade slow stitch challenge to make a little tag every week of the year – see them all here!] For some reason, I never thought to link her videos in case you were more inclined to see how the stitch along works. Here is the video for week 7’s tag, which focused on hexies made from a folded circle (rather than the type I am familiar with which are made with paper piecing).

My theme for the last week was snow shoveling. I don’t do the whole driveway – goodness it is upward of 150+ feet long (and mostly gravel)! We both have all wheel drive vehicles so we don’t typically plow or anything. I usually just shovel a path to the garage, the trash bins, around Boy’s car (mine now lives in a garage!), and the grill (Boy is undaunted by any weather:) And I rarely even shovel because for the last many years, it typically melts almost the very next day so what is the point? Not this year though! We keep getting a few inches here and there, without it melting in between, so I keep shoveling and shoveling. Today, we are expected to get maybe 6-10 more inches on top of our – now – 13″.

So, my hexies became snow flakes! And I even got the idea, right at the end, to embellish a little with embroidery. I didn’t have time to go back and do more, so really it was just on the last two: straight stitches on the little one at the bottom and some fly stitches on the bigger bottom one.

I liked these little hexies. And I wonder what it would be like to make a blanket out of this style of hexagons. It would take a lot of work – a LOT – and I think fluffy ties or pompoms would be better than buttons, but I think it would be really neat.