100 Day Project: Days 1-10

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

So, recall my plans for the 100 Day Project. I’ve been adding the title and a quick critique on each one. These are unimportant really as it’s just to force me to think about my technique. Anywho, here is week one, days 1-10.

1. I read every night before sleep. I always always always have a book in one of my book covers and a glass of tea. Another happy part is that my lamp dims and has a built in tray for my rings and chapstick!

2. I really get pleasure out of figuring out handstitching projects. Well, okay, any project. As you know, I was super excited to complete my name tag!

3. You also know that I made a rose out of my gramma’s fabric. It is sure to become something special for me. I enjoyed the challenge of drawing the fabric designs, though I didn’t finish it.

4. This one is very exciting for me. In part of my 2018 Get Creative scheme, I was tossing around the notion of getting a dedicated notebook for doodling and ideas. But, truth be told, with all the schooling that I have under my belt, I have so many half used notebooks and such that I couldn’t justify buying a new one. Boy has a cold and I made a quick trip to Walgreens for some meds, so I perused their stationary section just ever so briefly anyway. I fell madly in love with a well built, many-paged (and serrated!), hardcover, fully bound notebook covered in gnomes. But, alas, I was not there for me and I had no such need. With only one left in stock, I knew I would never see it again. That is, until I lamented over and over about my “gnomebook” that Boy later surprised me with it! Weeeeeeeee!!!!! It is working like a charm, also. My ideas are becoming less dream-like and more concrete. It is an interesting exercise to really think about what your personal creative-ness is.

5. Though I am abundantly disappointed with Nintendo because of our Switch failure and loss of all saved data (did I ever mention that?), Nintendo is still Nintendo. They have my heart. Boy brought in the miniSNES from the game room so he could play while I stitched.

6. I don’t usually patron coffee shops (I don’t drink caffeine, first of all!), but my SIL and I enjoy hanging out at a local place when she’s got tantalizing questions to discuss (she’s getting a masters in communication). Unfortunately, it was packed so we moved to Starbucks. The Teavana Passion decaf tea wasn’t bad, but the good part was simply hanging out.

7. We got a new candy at the shop – red licorice dogs. They have such amazing flavor! MmmMmMmMMmmm!

8. I am ever so grateful to have such a powerhouse computer. I really like the reflection! So tiny, though. It was too difficult to be accurate.

9. On the day I thought I was losing the battle with my cold (spoiler – I WON!), I couldn’t get into any craft. Instead, I decided to read about one that I ordered a while back. It sounded daunting, which wasn’t good because my MIL and SIL also ordered kits and they aren’t as advanced as me. When I started feeling a wee better, I decided to at least get the pattern drawn up (that’s why it is sketched here rather than looking as nice as that wood – holy cow!). You’ll see more of the actual project on Wip-TAST-ic Wednesday;)

10. Sasha is as predictable as she isn’t. My craft chair is one of her favorite perches and Boy often has to fight her off every time he is using it to work while I craft. She just always looks like she owns it, you know? But she moved, a lot, as I predicted. So, I couldn’t spend too much time on this one.

What goodies will the next days bring? 😀


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