As I mentioned before, my friend kindly took the time to stamp some fabric swatches I sent her. I wanted to experiment with this idea before investing any money in stamping myself. Though, with her repertoire of stamps, I might just request a partnership:D As a thank you, I made her a little embroidered pin.

The scale is deceptive, as it is quite small. It’s roughly 1.5 inches wide and 2 inches tall.

I used the feather stitch in gold for the stems, with red colonial knots as flowers. On the mug, I used lavender lazy daisies with pale blue straight stitch fillers. The background was straight stitched in a pearlescent rayon thread. You can’t see it here, but it reflects the light so very softly. I then outlined the mug in a dark purple back stitch and tied that in to the dark purple felt, offset by a reddish felt backing. I chose to let it be a little skewed for interest, rather than a center framed piece.

I found a perfect cotton match of purple and red to clean up the back, and added a safety pin as a clip. I like safety pins more than brooch pins because I find them to be much easier to open and close.

Thanks again, dear friend! 😀