I’ve added 30 more hexies to my Hexie Dreams quilt. This collection is Abi Hall’s Hello Sunshine for Moda. Adding these thirty puts my total at 500! I want 600 for the size of the blanket I intend on making as a minimum. I know some of the hexies I’ve made aren’t going to make the color-coordinating cut so I plan to make more than 600 before I even begin trying to lay them out to stitch together. But I’m getting close!

What I noticed as I laid these out for the photograph is that I guess it wasn’t such a big deal that I forgot which way I was doing the hexies a while back (points at the top and bottom, or flat sides instead?). Because I sometimes work with pre-cut 5″ charm packs, there is only so much room to get a hexie cut out of it. This collection forced me to have both types of hexies in play since I am fussy-cutting, and that works just fine since I have a mash up that going on already.