[I am following Anne Brooke‘s 2021 #52tagshannemade slow stitch challenge to make a little tag every week of the year – see them all here!] I have a couple tags to post – just been a busy time so I only finally dug out my camera today. This is week 18’s tag, which Anne asked that we used tiny little hexagons and then stitch over them with a running stitch to merge them onto the background.

As you probably know, I am amidst a big hexagon project so I challenged myself here not only with the prescribed size, but by using batik fabrics. I typically avoid them because the colors generally are too dark and deep for me. I understand how they are made, so my appreciation of them is high; I just don’t find that they often fit with my style. It was neat to “push” my ten hexies into the background with the boro stitch.

I just really wanted the semester to be over. That’s all I could think about. I usually don’t feel any different at the end than at the start, but zoom teaching took its toll. Everyone needed it to be over, and I sorely lacked the energy myself to uplight the entire group much longer. Plus, I still had things to do at the office, and around the house with the weather finally turning.

Even though I don’t generally turn to batiks, this is one of my favorite tags. Which is why I will continue to find challenges like this because you just never know how they might turn out!