[I am following Anne Brooke‘s 2021 #52tagshannemade slow stitch challenge to make a little tag every week of the year – see them all here!] Ann chose for us to use an inspirational phrase for our tag this week, and to add in a little flip of fabric to reveal the whole thing.

I chose “chase the happies” which is what I had promised Sasha I would do as she neared her end and all I felt was sorrow. Boy and I were contemplating getting a new kitten this week, so I had thought a lot about her. (We’ve tabled that idea for now for a couple of reasons, but it will be in our future soon enough, I think!)

The color choices were a no brainer. Just the usual around these parts.

I was certainly chasing the happies this week: I was very focused on finals, getting that over with! And visiting my friend’s home one more time, so pleasant. I was grateful very much for the little getaways. And it was Boy’s birthday this week! And then, lo, I had an invitation to that job I randomly submitted to earlier this year. I had suspected to not hear back from them, as it must be quite competitive, but there I was, getting the zoom meeting details to meet with the PI himself. That alone was a call for celebration, as I respect him in the field.

And so prepping for that interview is just one of many reasons my presence around these parts has been few and far between.