Library Updates

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Just a quick note about some changes I made in the Library.

First, I added a gallery of my favorite projects as well as popular posts (now that I am beginning to understand how to read google analytics). I think it would be helpful for new visitors to see easily if my little corner of the internet would be interesting enough to follow. Hey – I’m a realist, ok?

I marked Recipes as “archived”. Who am I kidding? Recipes, ha! I don’t cook. I lucked out in my choice of life partner for that;) 

I also tentatively marked Games as “archived” because although I still play them, I just haven’t posted about them. Which is a little ironic because one of my biggest all-time pages is my review for Arkham Horror. Seems like there is an interest in board game reviews by ordinary people. I might come back to it – I do still try to take photos of each new game I play for this very purpose. So, time will tell for that.

As far as Links, I last updated it in 2015. I need to remove the abandoned sites and add the few I’ve found since. I currently follow exactly 100 people through Feedly – but even some of them have bailed so before I just copy them to the Library, I want to sort through them all. I’ll get around to it… some day. It’s a good day in my feedly app if I have more than two posts to look at. My, how times have changed! Where did all the bloggers go? 🙁

So, on that note, could you do me a favor? Do you blog? Are there blogs out there that you adore for crafty pleasures? Please share them with me!!


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  1. wendy

    yes! There are loads of us still out there! I think it’s changed, there are a lot less quilting bloggers but I’ve discovered so many newish bloggers over the past few months, it’s growing again… you just have to search!

    • CaLynn

      Wendy, I agree – it has changed tremendously but I do know people are still out there – you and me are examples! I just need to sit down with my feedly list and update my site here. But that isn’t as much fun as crafting;)

      I love your recent cement project – I never would have thought to use something like flannel to get that organic shape!


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#52tagshannemade 50

#52tagshannemade 50

I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 50’s theme was to add some circles.

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#52tagshannemade 49

#52tagshannemade 49

I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 49’s theme was to catch a memory, though I went a bit off pitch.

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#52tagshannemade 48

#52tagshannemade 48

I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 48’s was to use a sheaf stitch as a fill.

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#52tagshannemade 47

#52tagshannemade 47

I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 47’s theme was to create a little birdie.

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#52tagshannemade 46

#52tagshannemade 46

I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 46’s theme was to wrap some objects with threads.

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#52tagshannemade 45

#52tagshannemade 45

I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 45’s theme was to create fireworks!

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#52tagshannemade 44

#52tagshannemade 44

I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 44’s theme was to use cross stitching.

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#52tagshannemade 43

#52tagshannemade 43

I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 43’s theme is to add a bit of tassel fringe, but I decided to focus just on the tassel itself.

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Hexie Dreams 10

Hexie Dreams 10

My fussy-cut Hexie Dreams quilt is coming along, now with about 670 hexies ready to go!

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#52tagshannemade 42

#52tagshannemade 42

I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 42’s theme is putting tags on tags.

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#52tagshannemade 41

#52tagshannemade 41

I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 41’s theme is a stitching theme, using “beautiful bullions”.

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#52tagshannemade 40

#52tagshannemade 40

I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 40’s theme is “something yummy”, which I didn’t strictly follow this time.

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Hexie Dreams 9

Hexie Dreams 9

Fifty-seven more hexies to add to my Hexie Dreams fussy-cut paper peicing quilt, adding up to just over 600!

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Hexie Dreams 8

Hexie Dreams 8

Fifty-four more hexies to add to my Hexie Dreams fussy-cut paper peicing quilt!

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#52tagshannemade 39

#52tagshannemade 39

I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 39’s theme is applique, using the bits from last week’s tag.

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#52tagshannemade 38

#52tagshannemade 38

I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 38’s theme is reverse applique, saving the bits for next week’s tag.

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#52tagshannemade 37

#52tagshannemade 37

I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 37’s theme is weaving with fabric strips.

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#52tagshannemade 36

#52tagshannemade 36

I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 36’s theme is slow stitching, which was needed for the hectic week I had!

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#52tagshannemade 35

#52tagshannemade 35

I am participating in Anne Brooke’s #52tagshannemade #sew4thesoul slow stitch challenge for 2021. Week 35’s theme is to use 3 buttons (though I used beads) and a scrap of special fabric.

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