Not only did I finish my pillow, but I finally, finally, finally tackled the scrapbook layout from my Peru fieldschool that has been sitting in a closet for literally years (I mean, the trip alone was in 2007!!).
These pages are from my excursion to the Museo de la Nacion (the National Museum). The blank spots will be filled in with a little story of my trip, but I am out of ink at the moment and to match the pages I began years ago, I want to keep the printed font theme rather than go to handwriting.

The recreation of the man by the hut represented some of the work of our field advisor.

I’ve learned now not to take photographs of human remains as many cultures find it distasteful, but I was young and naive then and I thought it was really cool. Now, I recognize photographs are best spent on research reasons, not “cool bones”.

That’s me, pointing to Machu Picchu, and I was terribly excited to go (I would go at the end of my 5 week stay stay in Lima, the capital). The statue art in the lower left was an exhibit just getting set up, and I got in trouble for taking photographs (I had no idea, as I do not read Castilian, was separated from my group, and only guessed that’s what the security people were trying to tell me).

The images in the top left were sad. It was a special exhibit detailing some of the political unrest and civilian casualties from recent history. We didn’t stay in that exhibit long (I may have lingered longer could I read anything).

Let’s just put it this way: the ancient Moche loved what we would now call erotic art.
I am not sure how much more I will scrapbook, but I do hope to get back into it this winter break. Now that I am getting the hang of teaching, I feel the joy of free-time again. Of course, this semester is a study in organization but otherwise simple. Next semester may be more complicated…