[I am following Anne Brooke‘s 2021 #52tagshannemade slow stitch challenge to make a little tag every week of the year – see them all here!] Anne offered the task of creating flowers for our tags this week. In hers, she used a little swatch of fabric to make a vase. That gave me an idea to do something similar! We were also suppose to use colors we don’t like or use often.

I’ve held onto these wooden mason jar buttons for a long time and it was perfect for this week! I used twine for around the jar, and a small floral patch as the main show. Then little triplets of colonial knots were added and some stems. I truly intended on using colors I don’t like – I sought out oranges. Yet… in the end what cropped up? The usual color scheme, doh!

My thoughts for the week were in three places, though I only mentioned two on the tag because I want them to stay positive more often than not! First, I am giddy as a grasshopper that all the plants I’ve been planting outside are thriving. I may not be able to keep an indoor plant alive (though I do have one growing on a decade!), but the outdoor ones are my friends. Second, I was able to start my job, even though it was through zoom and only for two days (there’s been some HR delays). I really didn’t know what to expect and it reminds me so much of what I did in grad school, I really think my only hangup will be the commute and loss of time wealth for other projects. But if I love it, great. And if not, there’s a certain position I know I am always welcome back to;) (And that third issue is that Maya’s got an upper respiratory infection and with her breathing issue, it’s just really frustrating and sad for her so I am very grateful I was home all week!)

I do apologize for the blur. I’d retake it, but the battery died so you get what you get today!