During my little retreats to house-sit for a friend and meet my students on campus, I was able to churn out a lot of hexies for my Hexie Dreams quilt. Today, I finished the final few I had pre-cut already, so this brings my tally to 397 total hexagons. I’d like a minimum of 600 for the size of quilt I am making, so halfway through the year, I am halfway there! Of course, my speed will likely be drastically reduced since I’m taking on a new job, but c’est la vie.

The new additions are all from fabrics I had in my stash, so I don’t have any information about them. The color set I worked with was mostly white this time.

As I laid these out to take the photos, it became obvious to me that I apparently forgot which was to be the orientation of the hexies – is a flat side the bottom, or is a point the bottom? Ah well, it will add character! 😀

I’ll likely veto a few of these swatches for the incorrect colors or similarity being too high, but I cut them regardless. As the quilt develops, it might just work anyhow.

And I found these brown ones already cut and basted, but I never posted about them I guess.

Will 2021 be the year I finish this? Unlikely. But I’m still holding it as a soft goal to get the hexies prepped, at least!