[I am following Anne Brooke‘s 2021 #52tagshannemade slow stitch challenge to make a little tag every week of the year – see them all here!] This week, Anne asked us to use layers of lace. Just that simple. I had used a lot of white trim on my very first tag, so I opted to include some green. It fit for the week!

I made little flips, as I liked the interaction it asked for in this tag. I chose to accent it with some green because in my landscaping adventures… I was reacquainted with my old friend poison ivy. And if you’ve ever had it, you know how there are times when you can think of nothing else!! The top is a length of velvet ribbon behind some lace, and a little floral accent “button”.

The second layer is backed by green matte ribbon, but it wasn’t quite wide enough. Ah well.

The third layer is horizontal cuts of various designs. You can see in the next image that I backed it with a fun little flower motif.

This layer uses some antique lace and it got lost against the cardboard background so I added yet one more layer.

A cutwork piece from a ruffle I dissected makes the final backing.

Oh, and yeah, I got that job offer. Again, I was never serious about applying for a job, and yet here we are, so it’s still unsettling. I mean, of course I like the idea because that’s why I applied. But it will be a major life change for both me and Boy, and we thought long and hard about it before I said yes. I’ll still help around the office when I can, but we are ready for some tough transitioning until a new flow is found. Or, until I quit – because that was the agreement. If it isn’t making us happy, there is no point! I am so grateful that our past choices allow this type of flippancy, especially in the current market.

I officially start June 1st, though that may be delayed for a few factors out of anyone’s control (redtape stuff). And so, it is worth mentioned that just like when I went to grad school, I can’t be certain about the future of the Crafties. I imagine I will be posting a lot less frequently all over again, and not crafting as much for some time. But gosh, I have so many things I want to get done, I can’t imagine I’ll give it up for long. It will all work out one way or another!