I know my blog has been quiet for weeks - nay, months - now, but I am back home (at least for now). My anthropology project was awesome, and I'll pop over a little note on that blog sometime. So, what crafty news do I have to share? Well, first up, my Heart Mouse...
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WIP-TAST-ic Wednesday 20
Time travel is great, no? So anyways, I didn't actually get this posted last week but I also didn't get much crafting done. I worked more of the satin stitch on my latest TAST pennant; just a few leaves to go. I am also at the point of deciding if I want to dedicate a...
Organization overhaul
Throughout the years I have been lucky enough to inherit so many crafting things. Add to that all the things I was also fortunate enough to budget for, and it became a lot! I try to confine everything into my craft room closet, but that became a messy hoard that...
Septic tank woes
Home sweet home is not without issue. In a nut shell, our septic tank caved in this fall. It is in part of our yard that is not easily noticeable from our windows. So imagine my surprise when I wandered outside in a rush to check on a bird that I heard hit the window...
2016 house makeover
After our new siding last year, Boy decided that the next major project at the house was to replace the roof. He gathered his friends to help (one of them has worked as a roofer before) and his dad supervised the bigger project. Unfortunately, they planned it to be...
goodbye ugly house
If you've been following for a while, you know we have done some updating in the interior of our house (paint, light fixtures, laundry room makeover, entire kitchen renovation, etc.). Well, it is finally time to get the trashy-looking outside bright and happy. We...
Springish cleaning
I've been putting my craft room through an overhaul recently. It might be a subconscious thing that I wish it were spring so if I start cleaning, maybe the weather will warm up? Blue skies will return? No? Well, I tried. So, my closet was a disaster - fabrics stuffed...
things in the kitchen
Our kitchen and dining room are not finished, but here are some little peeks: I am looking after my grandmother's trinkets for her (she had to move to an assisted living situation due to Alzheimer's). I added a few of my own in there - a koopa troopa, a hei teki...
Laundry room finished
Gosh, this happened years ago. But, delayed posts is what you get when you quit blogging to go back to school, eh? Anyways, I do not have an original before photo. The best I have is this, when the drywall was getting removed. Here is the "final" product. We used wood...
dining room remodel
Our kitchen/dining room remodel was such a huge project, but it has come along quite nicely. I realized I never posted what things look like now, so here you go. First, a quick review of its history starting with how it looked just before we moved in: And then of...
crazy quilt displayed
My family (mostly my aunt, but also my mom and grammas) made me a crazy quilt when I graduated highschool. It is one of my most treasured possessions. When I lived at my condo, it was displayed prominently above my couch in the living room. This house, however, does...
painting a striped wall
My craft room has come a long way, just as my crafting skills have. Over the years, I have purged a lot of stuff I had collected, moved out some of the furniture to other rooms, and I wanted to give it a make-over but still keep my awesome striped wall. I was never in...
House stuff
Our old front door had a huge gap all the way around it. I mean seriously, that's where most of the bugs and critters were probably coming from (not to mention where all the heat and air were going to). We found a perfect front door, but since our circumstances have...
We had a really rough storm blow through when we got back from NYC. Our house wasn't attacked by Mother Nature as much as other people I know, but we did have a pretty sizeable amount of limbs to pick up. (Other people were without power for a few days, or had many...
kitchen showtime
Sorry for the long wait - life just keeps getting in the way. Our kitchen still needs quite a bit done but oh how I LOVE it and will now forever need to upgrade kitchens in future houses. Kind of a curse, that. I had hoped Boy could take some awesome photos with his...
things on my table
I am sure you have been expecting pictures of my new kitchen but it has been really hectic here. Not only is there still much to be done with it, but Boy also has moved his company to a new location so that has taken a higher priority of our time. I will leave you...
kitchen progress
Ah ha! I was not home when the counter top people came, and what serendipity that the appliances were delivered the same day?! Tofer sent us these pics with his phone. I'll take a nicer photo once everything is put away and all the appliances are installed. It will be...
kitchen install
Our cabinets are installed! They are beautiful and really look awesome with the flooring. Phew! We hired Clay through my friend Angela and he did an amazing job. I mean really, even after we did everything to level the floors and the contractor leveled the ceiling,...
kitchen weekend progress
We had two major tasks ahead of us this weekend. Laying the floor and getting the pantry upright. Both were very time consuming. The floor isn't finished in the front room yet but it is done in the kitchen and looks great! It is very slow-going, however. There are...
room full of cabinets!
I wish I could say that it was a kitchen full of cabinets but we are not quite there yet. They are Kraftmaid, which we ordered through Lowes. Maple wood construction, "Hanover" style, rye stain with a sable glaze - I personally think they are beautiful. We got the...