[I am following Anne Brooke‘s 2021 #52tagshannemade slow stitch challenge to make a little tag every week of the year – see them all here!] Anne gave a great example for the tag this week, one that catches a memory behind a gauzy fabric. This tag also proved to be quite challenging, and I had to sit on this idea for many days, searching my thoughts and my stuff for the right memory. When I finally found this old ceramic chip, I opted to forgo the sheer layer since the chip was quite thick relative to Anne’s feather.

I secured the shard with perle cotton, a little fancy at the bottom and top, but otherwise just straight couch stitching. The flower is stem stitch, lazy daisy leaves with straight stitch fillers, and a woven rose of two colors.

I mentioned with the Wrapped Tag that I had been thinking about bioarchaeology, but also my past (well, current present, as well) as a teacher. With a real job, as opposed to contract work, I couldn’t see myself joining any more archaeological or bioarchaeological projects like I had in the past. And I knew with certainty that I was done with the adjunct game regardless of real job status in the future (another hill to die on is the belief that adjuncting is modern slave economics). I realized that these chapters were closing for me, and I was perfectly at peace with it, ready to move on!

I can’t take credit for the idea of using a chipped piece of pottery as a little vase. However, I cannot remember where I first saw it at to link here. I’ll be sure to update if I come across my original inspiration again!