Fifty-four more hexies are prepped to add to my Hexie Dreams quilt. Before I was gifted a large collection of fabric by my aunt (which will certainly bulk up my hexie count!), I had purchased a couple of charm square collections. The first one is Little Ducklings for Moda by Paper + Cloth Design Studio. I was happy to see this one because it will tie in more yellows and greys.

This one is Poppy and Posey by Dodi Lee Poulsen for Riley Blake Designs. I’m not sure the green, dark blue, and purple will fit in yet. I hope to end up with a lot more hexies than I need so that I can choose only those that really fit together – but still have enough left overs to make a disorderly throw without worrying about matching.

I keep them all in a basket now, another gift from my aunt.

This brings my total to 554. My original plan was to hit 600 keepers as a minimum. There are two other charm packs to work up still. Then, all the lovely fabric from my aunt. My original goal to finish the quilt this year is adjusted since I have a job, but I think I can at least finish prepping the hexies by the end of the year!