[I am following Anne Brooke‘s 2021 #52tagshannemade slow stitch challenge to make a little tag every week of the year – see them all here!] Anne gave us the prompt to make bead tassels for our tags this week. I chose a simple black and white color scheme.

Some issues appear to be strongly right or wrong – “black or white” we often say. But with a little knowledge, it’s often clear how grey everything truly is. I picked the text fabric because (though cut off), it holds the words “discrimination” next to “strength” along with “happy”. “improbable”, “begins”, “depth”, and “love”. I chose a small skull bead for the center accent, shown off with an added black button behind it, giving it a cartouche feel.

This tag is not a happy one. My commute takes me through some of the poorest neighborhoods in the midwest. I am grateful to work with an institution that does make change instead of just teaching about it. It helps restore some faith in the future.