So a quick post. I know i owe you lots about france, but to be honest I am holding off on posting about it until i have these announcement/thank you cards made and sent out. I hadnt thought they would take this long. In fact, they were spose to be ready by Thanksgiving….but i forgive myself.
Anywho, so this is where we live now. Its in the country side of town, yet still just about the same distance from our jobs. Im closer now to the large Joanns store *and* an awesome scrapping store. Its far off the road as you can see here.

The in-laws are on the right. See, we really are next door neighbors;) The lot is really skinny, and the backyard is about 1/3 of the length of the front yard. Behind us is a skinny horse pasture and then more woods. Its very nice.
In the long-term plan, I intend on painting the house. Boy and I are leaning towards a mossy green. But thats like year 3 i think so who knows what will come up before then. This angle makes it look cute though;) (And the window on the left is my craft room! the other is the dining room.) You can just barely make out the garage on the right. Behind that are 4 little sheds too.
oh my gosh that is the cutest house! so freaking adorable really! and I love that you have a craft room!!! 😉
and so much room for gardening…I can see lots of wildflowers, winding pathways, arches covered with flowers, rocks & gnomes, water fountains with solar powered pumps and so much more for that front yard!!
So your not in the same place you were before? good thing i didn’t surprise visit you 🙂