The first order of wool felt came in, yay! I ordered it from Prairie Point Junctions shop site, Wool Felt Central. On tuesday. And i already got it. AWESOME! The site was suggested to me by both Megan from Princess Lasertron and Larissa from mmmcrafts. So many...
Search for cases of the Crafties!

back in the game
I hope. So a brief catch-up / things-on-my-mind post of randomness. As you may have guessed, all crafting has slowed to a stop lately here. My craft room was taken over by furniture and tools. I got the tools out at least so now there is room to craft again and i can...
while im away…
Since I am working on organizing my new laptop (think of it like this: a virtual bomb went off in my old laptop and my addiction to "a place for everything and everything in its place" which i cannot as yet do with my house-in-progress has come out in full with the...
living and craft room
So I had bought a papasan rocking chair from Pier 1 for my living room, but the layout just wasnt working for me. After meddling with ideas for a few days, i finally decided to put it in the craft room. In order to do so, I had to swap it with my loveseat and coffee...
my new go-bag
The bag I made for my New York trip was fun, but because I was new at sewing, there were a few issues with it that started to bother me, so I opted for a new one. I call it a go-bag because i can just grab it and go and have entertainment handy, as well as some items...
beadwork and leather
One of my teachers was able to make it to my graduation beach party that boy threw for me (hooray for all the monkeys, boo for lack of parking!). She makes Native American inspired crafts so she made me a beautiful pouch from teal suede leather, and created a beaded...
im working on it
The current project I am working on is taking quite a bit more time than I thought because instead of this last part being incredibly easy and fast, it is instead incredibly easy and slow. And i cant show it yet, since its a gift, so youll just have to wait. Instead,...
like an exotic market!
I recently stumbled upon Sew Mama Sew's May Giveaway Day event. There are literally hundreds of bloggers GIVING things away at random!! Im only about a third of the way through the Handcrafted Items list, but I can tell you my RSS feeds keep growing! Not to mention...
a day of inspiration
I could get lost on the internet for weeks, looking at everyones creativity. I mean, who couldnt? Today, I went through a lot of links found at whip up and would list them all, but my rss feed grew from around 10 to over 50! It will shrink back down as i weed out...