I was alerted that some files were missing, so I’ve added the stuffed felt guinea pig and fabric book cover tutorials. We’re back in action!
Search for cases of the Crafties!

leather book cover
This project has been floating around my house for quite some time. Frankly, the idea of sewing leather was scary to me, so I hemmed and hawed a lot, but eventually I got through it! I had a swath of green leather from years ago, waiting for an interesting project...
SMS Giveaway!
Boy worked his database magic - and our winner is: mysql> select * from wp_comments where comment_post_ID = 3668 and comment_approved = 1 order by rand() limit 1; +--------------+----------------------------+-------------------------------------------------+ |...
Fabric book cover
My friend Angela gifted me a lot of unique fabric swatches that are just the right size for fabric book covers. I chose a faux alligator leather because I wanted it to be not feminine, which is kind of hard to do in the world of crafting, you know? The fabric was...
Fabric Book Cover Tutorial
3/25/2018 EDIT: This has been one of my most popular posts, so thank you for the interest! I am so glad my little fabric book cover tutorial has been made so many times, decorating and protecting so many loved books! So...can you sew a straight line? Sew it six times...
more fabric book covers
All the winners responded, so the covers were mailed on Tuesday from NYC. We are back home now, and I'll be catching up a few things then I will post the tutorial! 😀 Meanwhile, I had made an additional cover as a present: Then I also made a trade back size cover....
SMS Giveaway Day!
************Comments are now closed!!************ I will tally it up and then post the winners soon! 😀 Thank you guys so much for your interest 😀 ************************************************** This week begins Sew Mama Sew's May Giveaway Day, and I am happy to...
things on my table
I am sure you have been expecting pictures of my new kitchen but it has been really hectic here. Not only is there still much to be done with it, but Boy also has moved his company to a new location so that has taken a higher priority of our time. I will leave you...
While my house may be under construction, i have squeezed in some artsy time. Im working on a super secret project that i cant post about until after a wedding, but its coming up so I thought id put a shout out there to watch for it. What i can share with you is this...
I havent been crafting as much as Id like to lately, but ive been doing some much needed things around the house so i forgive myself. I have been playing with some ideas though and learning more embroidery. This is my sample so far (candidate for worst photo on...
Giveaway Day!
I felt compelled to participate in Sew Mama Sew's May Giveaway Day this year. You may remember me mentioning it once upon a time when i randomly stumbled upon the glory that is is. I urge you all to check out the other bloggers participating this round, after...
Here are some sneak peeks of current projects. All of these will be bags and the fabric was (mostly) chosen by the future bag owners. The patterns are cut out, but I need to start sewing the pieces together. I had a bit of a crafting lull for a while when the last bag...
crafty catch-up
One of the projects I made since losing my usb cable is Ruar, the Starfish. I used some gifted fabric and felt, did a little embroidery with french knots and fern stitching, and sewed and stuffed. My neice loved it, as it was small and fit in her hands and mouth:) I...
photo dump
I got my new memory card reader, yay! So as promised, here you go: I took Sasha out in the snow. The coldness didnt bother her, but the depth of the snow did, so she stayed near the house. Maya checked out Tofers new bookcases. The evil damage caused by an even more...
another book cover
I believe in the last post i had mentioned i would be more technical here but...i dunno, im on some sort of spree so i just couldnt stop myself to take "during" photos. Check it! I finally made a template and got the measurements exact. The best part is there are just...
book covers
I am almost back into the world of crafting I think. My house is still under renovation (we should be finishing the laundry room this week and Ill post photos) but I decided to not let it deter me anymore. I mean, my craft room is pretty much done so...so what if the...
a dudes bookcover
I have a quilted bookcover that i picked up at a local arts and crafts show. I love the thing. It helps keep my books in great condition, and even resist dog eared corners and the occasional spill (its just enough to soak up the wetness while i whip the book out of...
etsy package
I got my first etsy order the other day. I needed it for the bookmark of the bookcover I am making. (The soon to be owner likes dragons.) Once i get it all attached, Ill post about it. The stick pin is for reference size - i think it will be a good fit! I ordered...